Gummy Candy Infographic For decades, chewable gummy vitamins were predominately for little, picky eaters who refused to eat their vegetables. In just one tiny, sweet chew per day, the broccoli-averse could easily consume their daily dose of vitamins and minerals. But today, candy-like vitamins aren’t just for kids. Adults – driven by both nostalgia and “pill fatigue” – are turning toward gummy vitamins as a way to supplement their diets. According to IBISWorld, gummy products currently account for $1 billion of the $41 billion supplement market in the United States – an incredible 25 percent jump in sales since 2015. Vitamin Infographic Gummy multivitamins alone accounted for 7.5 percent of the $6 billion U.S. multivitamin market. Now, there’s every fruity flavor imaginable – think cherry, citrus, strawberry, watermelon, peach, mango and more. So, as interest continues to explode, brands are redefining ways to market gummy vitamins to adults – and reinvent offerings beyond the gummies of their youth.